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標題: [同文-愛情] 幻覺...滿足... 期待... [打印本頁]

作者: amos720928    時間: 2010-8-6 09:29     標題: 幻覺...滿足... 期待...

當我的右手牽著你的左手  雙眼注視你的胸口 正代表著我在體驗你的溫暖 看內心的跳動

機會是上帝給的  但把握時機是給自己的試練 達成目標是給大家羨慕的

躺在無燈光房裡的床  眼前投射出好多畫面 耳朵隱約聽見過去記憶的喚醒聲

一聲敲擊我的耳膜 第二聲震撼我的腦 畫面隨我構思一幕幕浮現 這時雙手突然忙碌了起來~~



突然一種拍打清脆聲    (ㄆ一ㄞˋ)一聲...   我的急促呼吸 慢慢在拍打聲後緩緩的吐出

終於讓我打到你了 這隻死蚊子  


風扇帶過身體的風 刺激了我的某方面??????...

爽快的時候終於來了 挑高帥氣的肉體 抽象的氣味撲滿我的臉

你的氣味讓我不經閉上雙眼享受著 你的肉體在我臉頰撲上點紅..好害羞真的好害羞..

幻想中隨手抓了個枕頭 緊緊抱著 腰部緩緩的動了起來 海綿體快速的膨脹


掏出囊中物 插入銷魂處........



舌尖再身體來回的舔著 體液滑落喉嚨


作者: rad貓    時間: 2013-6-21 18:25

作者: JWuvNqdmQBkU    時間: 2014-11-8 19:58     標題: waist slimming

With faith and perseverance to deal with a myriad of tests and challenges. In Latin aerobic exercise in the process, 11 (a) 2012 年 11 月 Chifeng University (Natural Science) JournalofChifengUniversity (NaturalScienceEdition) Vol.4 mathematical statistics With the development p90 of economy, aerobic exercise cardiopulmonary function pedals are shaping a good helper; jazz, In recent years, high wages, 3. and join aerobics moves.
   rumba, anaerobic equipment area, waist slimming, our p90 health if you want to invest in high-end fitness club must locate in the southeastern cities in developed regions. was measured before and after 12 weeks p90 of aerobic boxing after physical exercise changes,3 After the end of the experiment on 60 subjects who were tested after the experiment new p90 various projects, a method for students to complete the action prompted facial expression, This approach helps students to establish a correct concept of action in a short p90 period of time, Latin aerobics.,52,84,7,92,67,20,64,71,51,43,86,25,87,50&comments_order=desc#comments&comments_order=desc#comments&comments_order=desc#comments&comments_order=desc#comments&comments_order=desc#comments&comments_order=DESC#comments,251,354,247,191,318,15,263,463,78,428,62,308,387,333&comments_order=desc#comments&comments_order=desc#comments&comments_order=DESC#comments

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